Nethercutt (Rokon) Pre-production Trail-Breakers
Trailbreaker #1
- Likely the first bike built by Charlie Fehn and used as the example for the patent drawings.
- Originally called "Trailmaker"
Number 1
Number 1a
Number 1B
Trailbreaker #2
Number 2
Number 2a
Number 2b
Number 2c
Trailbreaker #3
These pictures are commonly referred to as "The Maico Bike"
Number 3
Number 3a
Trailbreaker #4
The pre-production MK1
- the angled air filter
- primary cover does not have the expanded metal center found on the production MK1
Number 4
Trailbreaker #5
The standardized production MK1
- MK1 and earlier were "Trailbreaker", MK2 and later "Trail-Breaker"
Number 5